
 Cybee's Online Tarot


As a supplication or prayer it implies to call upon God, a god, goddess, or person, etc. When a person calls upon God, a god, or goddess to ask for something (protection, a favour, his/her spiritual presence in a ceremony, etc.) or simply for worship, this can be done in a pre-established form or with the invoker's own words or actions. An example of a pre-established text for an invocation is the Lord's Prayer.

Explanation -
An invocation (from the Latin verb invocare "to call on, invoke") may take the form of:

   * Supplication or prayer.
   * A form of possession.
   * Command or conjuration.
   * Self-identification with certain spirits.

Here is a link to this article - Link to Wiki
I am amazed at the amount of information Wikipedia has on this subject and this is why I have left it to them to explain and reference every detail. 
I have tried invoking a spirit but I need a very big page to explain the whole story. The people who tried invoking a spirit along with me were very scared when we finished and we were very young. I may write the full episode one day, until then a word of warning. 
Don't play with things you know nothing about. Please.
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