Symbolism in-

 Cybee's Online Tarot

Symbolism of the Tarot

Symbolism of the Tarot

Most Tarot decks available today are remarkably similar, except for a few minor variations that appear on some of the cards. The reason Tarot takes a parallel line of reasoning from one Tarot master to another is that, a universally understood esoteric system of symbolism was used to produce the symbols on the cards. Each card has been intricately designed and drawn to include its true meaning through the use of symbols, which are universally acknowledged through our unconscious minds. These symbols, when fully understood, will give the Tarot reader the necessary tools to perform an insightful reading merely by studying the depictions on each card.
Of course, after several years of careful reflection of this oracle, each card will begin to develop its own meaning for each person. After each picture has been studied and thoroughly understood, it is only necessary to think of the card to obtain a clear understanding of the situation at hand.
As you progress in your understanding of the esoteric symbolism of the Tarot, you will likely begin to use your intuition more when interpreting the cards. These feelings you get will eventually help you gain greater inner knowledge of the esoteric meaning of each card.
The Tarot has traditionally been considered to be of Western European origin, so themes associated with this culture will generally prevail in the cards. Other cultures, such as the Japanese and Native American, have become familiar with this type of divinatory tool and have consequently developed their own decks that reflect themes particular to their own cultural awareness.

The descriptions that follow relate to the Rider-Waite and similar decks.

The angel is a symbol of the super-conscious. A messenger who is many times unaware of the role he or she plays in imparting news or information. Each of us is said to have at least one guardian angel that we can contact through meditation. Our guardian angels watch over us, and only have our best interests at heart. Angels are seen in the Major Arcana on 6, The Lovers; 14, Temperance; and 20, Judgement.

The ankh is the Egyptian symbol of eternal life, truth, and regeneration. Because of the ankh's resemblance to the glyph for the planet Venus, many people equate this symbol with love and beauty. The ankh is also called "the mirror of Venus." The ankh is seen in the Major Arcana on 4, The Emperor.

Anubis is a jackal-headed Egyptian god who represents the evolution from lower to higher levels of consciousness. He is the Egyptian equivalent of Mercury, and therefore represents intellect, communication, teaching, writing, and the relaying of messages. Anubis is seen in the Major Arcana on 10, Wheel of Fortune.

The banner represents freedom from the material realms. The banner carried in the left hand indicates that the level of awareness has passed from the conscious self to the subconscious self, and has become automatic. The banner is seen in the Major Arcana on 10, Wheel of Fortune; 13, Death; 19, The Sun; and 20, Judgement.

The bed is considered to be a vehicle of rest, relaxation, and even pleasure. The purpose of the bed provides a clue as to the nature of the situation. For instance, a bed in a hospital will have completely different implications than a bed in a hotel room. A bed can be seen in the 9 of Swords and the 4 of Swords.

A boat is seen as a medium to get us from one point to another?quite often through a sea of emotions. If the boat is of good construction then we will receive a great deal of support. If, on the other hand, it is tiny or not well built, then it will be unlikely that we will receive assistance in our endeavours. A boat can be seen on the 6 of Swords and the 2 of Pentacles.

Books contain knowledge that must be assimilated before further illumination can be achieved. Books are, however, very subjective devices that reveal the inherent motives of their authors. Therefore, a close look at the credibility and authority of the creator of each work will be necessary in order to determine the validity of the contents of that work.

The bull, symbol of the astrological sign Taurus, also represents the earth element, and is assigned to the suit of pentacles. It is stable, reliable, enduring, and sensual. The bull is extremely patient and steadfast when working on attaining a goal for himself. The bull appears on 10, Wheel of Fortune; and 21, The World.

The butterfly is a symbol for the astrological sign of Gemini. The butterfly is quick, witty, and versatile, and it is no coincidence that the term "social butterfly" was coined to indicate someone who flits around from activity to activity. In Native American teachings, the butterfly represents transformation, which takes on many stages before completion. The egg stage represents a thought or idea. The larva stage indicates that a decision needs to be made. The cocoon stage represents development turning into reality. Lastly, the birth of the butterfly stage indicates that the transformation is complete. The butterfly, being an airy and mental creature, generally gives us mental processes necessary to help effect change. In esoteric teachings the butterfly represents immortality of the soul, because the caterpillar must lie dormant in a cocoon before it emerges from its womb, beautiful and flamboyant. The butterfly is seen in the Minor Arcana on the Knight, Queen, and King of Swords.

The Cabala or Kabbalah is a system of Jewish mystical thought that attempts to put the essence of events that occur in the universe into clear perspective. The Cabala can be seen on the 10 of Pentacles.

Cats are intuitive, instinctive, aloof, detached, psychic, and sexy. Sometimes they are uncaring, sneaky, relaxed, uncooperative, and playful. They often symbolize hidden fears or loving memories. The black cat represents the more negative aspects of the planet Venus and is pictured on the Queen of Wands.

Chains are self-imposed restrictions. Chains can, on some level of reality, represent security because they impose limits and boundaries that we dare not trespass. Chains also represent dependence because it is often easier to stay in a bad situation due to obligations rather than pursue the unknown in .search of freedom. Chains are seen on 15, The Devil.

Chairs generally represent a support mechanism, which is essential in order to achieve success. The chair will generally be more opulent with the increased status of the person using it. A chair can be seen on 4, The Emperor; and 3, The Empress.

A circle is actually a polygon with an infinite number of sides, representing eternity, spirit, completeness. The circle is a symbol of God, perfection, unending love, and the super-conscious. The circle is seen on 10, Wheel of Fortune; and 21, The World.

A coffin is considered to be a receptacle to hold things that are waiting to be reborn into another sphere of existence. A coffin also represents a loss in one form or another, but with this emptiness will come new opportunities and success. A coffin can be seen on 20, Judgement.

Clouds represent a psychic veil that must be transcended. There are many emotions that have been kept at bay, but which must soon be revealed. If the clouds are bright it indicates a feeling of uplifting and spirituality, but if dull, depression is imminent. Clouds can be seen on 10, Wheel of Fortune; 21, The World; and 16, The Tower.

The crescent represents the soul. The crescent is seen on 2, The High Priestess.

The cross is an ancient symbol that predates Christianity. It represents humanity's incarnation on earth, its death and regeneration. The solar cross indicates the union of masculine and feminine elements. The cross is seen in the Major Arcana on 2, The High Priestess; and 20, Judgement.

The crown represents the crown Chakra. The crown Chakra is represented by the colour white and is considered to be a direct link to God or the higher self. The crown depicts being master over the self in terms of expanded awareness and spirituality. The crown is seen in the Major Arcana on 3, The Empress; 5, The Hierophant; and 16, The Tower.

The cube is sometimes depicted as a square. The square represents earth, material matters, and earthly concerns. The square has four sides and the number four is very significant to practicality, reliability, responsibility, and work. It helps us to build our foundations on the earth plane. The cube is seen in the Major Arcana on 15, The Devil.

Cups are associated with the element of water and are very receptive. Cups represent the astrological signs of Cancer,Scorpio, and Pisces. Cups are emotional, and this feeling can span from the Cancerian pure, trusting love, to the Scorpionic intense, transforming love, and finally to the Piscean idealistic, sacrificial love. When looking at the cup, it is important to look at its environment and position. Is it upright or overturned? Is it full or empty? What is in the cup? Cups are represented in the suit of Cups, and seen in the Major Arcana in 14, Temperance.

Cypress Tree
The cypress tree is sacred to Venus. Trees often represent the "Tree of Knowledge" and the fruits of our labours. Trees also symbolize new growth and stages of life and death. In Native American teachings, trees are ancient beings that possess much wisdom and contain a great deal of energy that humans can tap into just by being near those majestic beings. The cypress tree is seen in the court cards of the suit of Swords and 3, The Empress.

The devil represents the base materialistic urges that we feel compelled to satisfy. He is responsible for lust, greed, and sensual pleasures, and is considered to be separate from our spiritual awareness. Many people see the devil as the negative aspects of ourselves, including hate, discord, greed, fear, jealousy, falseness, and destruction. The devil doesn't necessarily have to be evil, but we should try to balance our earthly and sensual desires with a healthy dose of spirituality when the devil appears in our lives. The devil is seen in the Major Arcana in 15, The Devil.

Dogs are friends, helpers, and companions to humankind. Dogs love unconditionally and are totally loyal to their masters. It is not in a dog's nature to be mean or vicious, but some lose their compassionate natures from abuse, trauma, or a sort of perverse loyalty to their masters. Because dogs are so adoring, humans could learn a few lessons about love and compassion from these selfless creatures. Dogs are the servants of humanity, and people with a strong sense of dogness will often be found working as philanthropists, nurses, counselors, ministers, or soldiers. Dogs are also guardian of the world we live in. Throughout history, dogs have guarded hell, the ancient secrets, hidden treasures, and babies while mothers were out working in the fields. The symbol of the dog also indicates that all nonhuman forms of life are elevated and improved by the evolving advancement in human consciousness. The dog is seen in the Major Arcana on 0, The Fool; and 18, The Moon.

The dove has historically been a symbol of peace and is associated with the astrological sign of Scorpio where the emotional-sexual power is transformed into the healing grace of the dove. In occult teachings the dove is also associated with the group spirit, which is made up of humans who have purified their desire natures to a degree that allows them to experience transpersonal unity in the form of empathy and rapport. In Christianity, the dove is a symbol of peace attained through the arbitrating and healing presence of the I Holy Spirit.

The eagle is associated with the astrological sign of Scorpio. Where the Scorpion is used to denote the lesser-evolved Scorpio who stings anything or anyone who crosses his path, the eagle represents the more highly evolved Scorpio who has transcended his tribulations and flies high into the sky like the mythological phoenix rising out of its ashes. In Native American teachings, the eagle is a spiritual being who has the ability to live in the realm of spirit while remaining connected and balanced within the Earth realm. The eagle represents a state of grace achieved through hard work, understanding, and a completion of the tests required to achieve personal power. Eagle feathers are sacred to the Native Americans and are used for healing and ceremonies. The eagle is seen in the Major Arcana on 10, Wheel of Fortune; and 21, The World.

The ellipse is the symbol of the super-conscious. The ellipse is seen in the Major Arcana on card 21, 
The World. Figure 8 on Its Side (Epsilon) In electronics and mathematics, this is the symbol for infinity and is used primarily when measuring resistance. In esoteric studies this figure symbolizes eternal life, harmonious interaction between the subconscious and conscious, life and feeling, and desire and emotion. This symbol may also mean dominion over the material realms. The figure 8 on its side is seen in the Major Arcana on 1, The Magician; and 8, Strength.

Fruit represents fertility. It implies the results of what we have planted.

The fish symbolizes the astrological sign of Pisces, considered to be the most spiritual of the twelve signs of the zodiac. This sign symbolizes emotion, compassion, empathy, psychic impulses and brotherly love. Due to the precession of the equinox, about 2,000 years ago the earth left the age of warring, aggressive Aries, and moved into the sacrificial age of Pisces. Christians have historically used the fish to symbolize their religious beliefs and followings. At about the same time the precession of the equinox was causing the earth to change signs, a man called Jesus of Nazareth walked the earth. Based on astrological and biblical evidence, Don "Moby Dick" Jacobs, a Methodist minister and Bible scholar as well as astrologer, has been able to rectify Jesus the Christ's birthday and time as March 1, 7 B.C. at 1:30 A.M. in Bethlehem. This date would make Jesus a Pisces and not a Capricorn, as has been traditionally assumed to be his sign of birth to coincide with pre-Christian ceremonies of the winter solstice. Therefore, it would have been only fitting to use the symbol of the Piscean fish to represent their belief in Christ in lieu of the goat. Incidentally, the Capricornian goat is actually an animal that has the upper body of a goat and the lower anatomy of a fish. Although well hidden, Capricorn can display the emotional depth and sensitivity of the fish, but it is generally well grounded by the serious and earthly influence of the goat, which tends to maintain dominance. The fish is seen on the Page of Cups card.

Fixed Signs
The fixed signs are depicted on the Wheel of Fortune and The World in the Major Arcana. They are the four fixed zodiacal signs of Taurus (depicted as the bull), Leo (depicted as the lion), Scorpio (as represented by the Eagle), and Aquarius (as represented by the man). These four signs all possess the fixed quality and are composed of the four elements of fire, earth, air, and water, thus bringing much needed stability to an unpredictable world.

Flame or Fire
The flame is the symbol of awareness, light, enlightenment, warmth, and desire. It represents the spirit of God, which can be magical, enlightening, stimulating, transforming, or even destructive. Fire represents passion, enthusiasm, and spontaneity. The Native Americans considered fire to be sacred. There are basically six forms of fire that manifest themselves in many ways. One primary source of fire relevant to esoteric studies is the flame within us called the solar plexus. It is the life force within us that keeps us alive and healthy. When we shut parts of ourselves off from the world, these centers become cold. After time, this imbalance turns to disease, so it is therefore essential that our entire beings are filled with the flame of life. Flames can be seen on 16, The Tower.

Flowers depict spiritual thoughts, love, and happiness. They represent kindness, caring, joy, compassion, and grace. Flowers are an expression of love, beauty, freedom, and healing qualities. Flowers are seen on the 6 of Cups

Fruit represents fertility. It implies the results of what we have planted.

Gnomes are ageless dwarves who live beneath the surface of the earth. They are said to guard precious metals and treasures. Gnomes are associated with the suit of Pentacles because they are so close to the earth.

In earlier times, the goat was associated with the more evolved members of the human race who were responsible for imparting the impulses that guide and inspire human culture throughout the centuries. The goat is the symbol for the astrological sign of Capricorn, which is serious, responsible, and materialistic. Because the goat is so close to earthly concerns, it can easily succumb to its most basal desires, which may be seen as the vices of lust, greed, envy, and avarice. In the Major Arcana, the goat on 15, The Devil has succumbed to such lusts. The goat is also seen as a fertility symbol, and is shown in the arms of the Queen of Pentacles.

Gold is the metal that represents the Sun. Gold is the colour of the solar plexus, and the life force emanates from that chakra located just above the navel in the body. On the mental or emotional level, the solar plexus represents power issues, control issues, accomplishments, and our self-image. On the psychic level, the solar plexus controls sensitivity to vibrations from other people and places. When the solar plexus is functioning properly we may experience radiance, warmth, awakening, transformation, and happiness. When the solar plexus is blocked or not working properly, we may take on more than we can handle at one time, experience power struggles with others, or feel anger, fear, or hate. A physical side effect of the solar plexus malfunctioning is to experience digestive problems. Gold also represents spiritual gifts.
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