In Tarot

 Cybee's Online Tarot

Tarot Correspondences

In other words, what else is in Tarot. Well here we go with a little list.
Timing in Tarot, Symbolism in Tarot, Astrology in Tarot, Numerology in Tarot, Elements in Tarot, Colour in Tarot, I Ching in Tarot, Runes in Tarot, Chakras in Tarot, Kabbalah in Tarot.

And some extra information, right at the bottom of this page, about People in the Tarot, AE Waite and Golden Dawn.


Astrology and Tarot are like brother and sister. They go hand-in-hand with each other but Tarot uses Astrology more in it's interpretations than Astrology does even though the link is unbreakable.


The four traditional elements are  below and shows how they correspond to the Minor Arcana's four suites.
Fire - Wands/Staves
Earth - Coins/Pentacles
Air - Swords
Water - Cups
The element Spirit is not included here, but many people associate it to the Major Arcana which is deemed to be at a more higher level of spirituality.


Numerology has got to be a part of the Tarot, just as it is in every day life. Without it we could hardly use the dynamics of the Tarot let alone, count the cards. Numerology will be discussed in length on another page.


Vivid colours help in many ways, such as meditation, focus and psychic connectivity during readings.
There is so much Symbolism in the Tarot we need a few pages to describe it all.

I Ching

While the Western world uses Tarot and its derivative oracles to delve into the subtle influences of the psyche, the eastern hemisphere has traditionally used the I Ching, or Book of Changes, when pondering the best course of action to take in certain situations.


Along with many other esoteric and metaphysical systems, Chakras are also included as part of the Tarot. 
Timing can be crucial in a reading. If the time is wrong and inaccurate then the whole reading will have been a waste of time.


I don't know much about Runes, I have to say, but it needs to be discussed as some card designers have included them in their interpretations and design.


Kabbalah, Torah in Tarot will be discussed in depth as it is a fundamental aspect of the Tarot these days. Even thought it was only introduced into the Tarot about 100 years ago.
People in the Tarot
A E Waite
Golden Dawn
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