Daily 3 Card

 Cybee's Online Tarot

Daily 3 Card

The Daily 3 Card
A 3 card spread

The Daily 3 card spread can be used for ongoing issues of the past days and can give answers and clues on how to deal with the problems and issues at hand. It may reveal forthcoming events and influences which can give some but not all the answers. The card deck being used is the Tarot de Marseille deck.
PAST. Past events or influences that have played an important part in bringing about the current situation, perhaps including those that brought one to the need for the question in the first place. The effect of those events or influences on the present and how best we can use them to shape and understand the future.
Being Logical, Authoritative, Direct, Knowledgeable, Honest, Intelligent, Scientific, Organized, Reasonable, Sharp Witted
It is important to seek balance. It might be time to attack the situation with logic and reason. Trust your own opinions instead of following those of other people. Speak your mind with self-assurance.
This is the DAY CARD which reflects the PRESENT where the querent finds themselves at the present time. Opportunities and obstacles in the current situation.
Exchange, Having/not having power or resources, Teaching/Learning, Knowing/not knowing, Leading/following, Talking/listening

Re-evaluate where you stand on the issues around having or not having. Take stock, and you might realize that you have more going for you than you think. Remember, also, that appearances can be deceiving. Do not compare your situation to that of others, for you do not know the full story in anyone else's life.

This card can also suggest that you are experiencing a time of need, or a time when you can help someone else in need. A possible exchange or barter of goods or services.
FUTURE. Future events and fresh influences about to come into play that will operate in the near future. Possible outcome of the situation. One's aspirations.
Moving on, Disentanglement, Starting a journey, Search for meaning, Discovery, Spirituality, Finding hope, Weariness

It might be time to disentangle yourself from your current circumstance and go in search of greater meaning and fulfillment.
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