Chakras in-

 Cybee's Online Tarot

Chakras in the Tarot

Chakras in Tarot

Chakras are wheels of energy running throughout the body to help our body, mind, and soul function properly. Some people are actually able to see the colour, shape, and direction the chakra is turning in the body and are able to analyse any problem areas the person may be experiencing merely by observing them. There are hundreds of chakras in the body and some ancient Indian and Tibetan texts actually speak of 350,000 nadis, or minor chakras running throughout the body. Of these hundreds of chakras, there are seven major and twenty-one minor points of energy.

It is well known that our minds are integrally connected to our bodies, because a large proportion of illnesses are actually due to psychosomatic responses or stressors that we are not able to resolve in our daily lives. The chakras correspond to specific aspects of how our body, mind, and spirit are working together to form our whole being. If one chakra is blocked or not working properly because of any type of emotional, physical, or mental stress, we may suffer some physical discomfort associated with that area. If the stress is not relieved, or the problem not resolved, we might eventually develop a disease that manifests itself in our bodies. For this reason it is very important that our chakras are regularly aligned and corrected to stay healthy in body, mind, and spirit.

Locating the Chakras
There are many different theories of where the chakras actually are and their importance in our lives, but the ten points discussed in the following paragraphs are common among most schools of thought.

Root Chakra
The root chakra, or Kundalini, is located at the base of the spine. This chakra is associated with the colour red and is represented by a snake. The sleeping snake is coiled up at the base of the spine, and, upon awakening, like a cobra it shoots up through all the chakras to the crown. The root chakra is the seat of the physical body and is responsible for our spatial intuition or ability to perceive space and time. The root serves to keep us in our bodies, grounded to the earth, and governs our vitality, energy, gut instincts, and survival mechanisms. The root chakra governs issues relating to the material world, success, stability, security, courage, and patience. When we are negatively relating to root chakra issues, we may be self-centred, insecure, violent, greedy, and angry. Physically, the root chakra governs the colon, adrenal glands, kidneys, spinal column, legs, and bones. If we have long-standing negative issues relating to the root chakra that have not been resolved, we may soon begin to manifest symptoms of the problem in our physical bodies. These physical symptoms will likely become apparent in elimination problems such as constipation, diarrhoea, kidney stones, renal colic, bone disease, or spinal problems. People who tend to activate our root chakra are our parents and grandparents, people who influence our security, and people with whom we have traditional relationships. Because this chakra deals with our innermost level of being, it corresponds with the two transcendental qualities of 13, Death. Because our ability to feel secure means that we sometimes defer to others, 4, The Emperor is a representative symbol. During those times when our security is at risk, such as the threat of losing our jobs, homes, wealth, or even someone we love, we will no doubt do whatever is necessary to retain what we are in fear of losing. It is for this reason 7, The Chariot is a suitable card to reflect on. There will be occasions when we need to be shaken out of our complacency, and 16, The Tower is the focal operative in such situations.

Sacral Plexus
The sacral plexus, or sexual chakra, is located in the lower abdomen, about two inches below the navel. This chakra is associated with the colour orange and is represented by a fish. Since the sacral plexus is the seat of the emotional body, watery, aquatic animals are appropriate beings to represent this chakra. The sacral plexus governs our ability to receive feelings or sensations from beings beyond time and space, and governs our ability to feel and release our emotions. The sacral plexus governs issues relating to our sexuality and sensuality, physical force and vitality, giving and receiving of emotions, desire, pleasure, sexual and passionate love, change, movement, assimilation of new ideas, health, tolerance, surrender, and working harmoniously with others.
When we are negatively relating to the sacral plexus, we may overindulge in food, sex, or drugs, experience sexual difficulties, feel confused, feel a sense of purposeless in life, experience feelings of jealousy or envy, or desire to possess people or material wealth. Physically, the sacral plexus governs the reproductive organs, spleen and bladder. If we have long-standing negative issues relating to the sacral chakra that have not been resolved or healed, we may eventually become physically ill. These physical ailments can include sexual difficulties such as impotence or frigidity, bladder infections, and problems with the reproductive organs including cysts, fibroids, and sexually transmitted diseases. People who activate our sacral plexus are our lovers and people we tend to react to emotionally.
Because the sacral plexus governs fertility on either a physical or emotional level, the archetype of 3, The Empress invariably emanates from this point. When we are positively expressing our sexuality, which comes about from the love we give to another person, then 6, The Lovers is an appropriate card. If, however, we use our sexuality in a negative way, such as in the pursuit of power or wealth, then 15, The Devil is an accurate representation of this chakra.

Solar Plexus
The solar plexus is located above the navel and below the chest. This chakra is associated with the colour yellow. Since the solar plexus is the seat of the mental body, which is represented by the element air, birds are considered to be appropriate significators because they fly in the sky. The solar plexus is also symbolized by the sun because this chakra brings the life force to us. This chakra enables us to pick up vibrations and essences from people, places, and things. The solar plexus vitalizes the sympathetic nervous system associated with stressful situations, the digestive process, metabolism and emotions, and controls the functioning of the pancreas, adrenal glands, stomach, liver, gallbladder, nervous system, and muscles. This chakra governs issues relating to will, personal power, authority, energy, mastery of desire, and self-control.
When we are positively reacting to situations relating to the solar plexus, we will generally experience a lot of radiance, warmth, a sense of awakening and transformation, and happiness. When we take on more responsibility than we can effectively deal with or put too much emphasis on power or authority, we may find that we are negatively reacting to solar plexus issues. These stressors may in turn cause us to experience anger, fear, or even hate. If we have long-standing unresolved problems relating to the solar plexus, they may begin to manifest themselves in our physical bodies to force us to confront the problem. These symptoms will likely exhibit themselves in the form of digestive problems such as ulcers, liver, or pancreas problems.
People who activate our solar plexus are friends, classmates, intellectuals, politicians, co-workers, or supervisors. Because the solar plexus is indicative of our ability to give and receive love, then 19, The Sun is representative of this point. When we are feeling under the weather, however, we should align ourselves with 8, Strength to help us persevere, even under the most trying of circumstances.

Heart Chakra
The heart chakra is located in the center of the chest. This chakra is associated with the color green and all four-legged mammals. The heart chakra is the seat of the astral body, which is the bridge between the material and spiritual bodies. This chakra deals with empathy or our ability to imaginatively project a subjective thought into an object so that the object appears to be infused with the thought. The heart chakra energizes our physical bodies with the life force and helps ground the energy to our bodies. This chakra governs issues relating to unconditional love, feelings, forgiveness, compassion, understanding, openness, balance, trust, and oneness with life. When we negatively relate to heart chakra issues, we may repress love and become unbalanced, distrustful, and emotionally unstable.
Physically, the heart chakra governs the circulation of blood, heart, arms, hands, and lungs. When we have long-standing emotional problems relating to the heart chakra, we may develop heart problems, lung disease, or circulation problems, in order to force us to come to terms with these issues. People who tend to activate our heart chakra are those who teach us to love unconditionally, and these persons may put us into positions where we are forced to love them regardless of their wrongdoings. Because the heart chakra helps us remain balanced throughout life's ups and downs, the harmonious qualities of 11, Justice and 14, Temperance represent this chakra. Because we are often asked to love unconditionally those who at seem to act at cross-purposes to our lives, 12, The Hanged Man asks us to make such sacrifices—as all that we give will eventually come back to us stronger than ever before.

Thymus Chakra
The thymus is a secondary chakra located just above the heart chakra. Some feel that in this new age of spiritual awakening, the thymus is taking on greater importance as a major chakra. This chakra is associated with the colour aquamarine, and has a large influence on our telepathy. It is a gland located just above the heart and works primarily in babies and young children to develop their immune system. By the age of about ten it has already begun to atrophy and until recently was considered to be of no use to the adult human. The thymus chakra governs our ability to be at peace with ourselves, to feel compassion for others, be connected with humanity, and feel unconditional love for others. When we are negatively relating to thymus chakra issues, we may find ourselves becoming judgemental, self-righteous, and uncompassionate. We may also feel we are unworthy to continue in the human race. When we are not relating properly to thymus chakra issues, our body's immune system may weaken so that we are more susceptible to colds and other viruses. If after an extended period of time we are still not able to resolve thymus chakra issues, our immune system may totally break down, exposing us to life-threatening ailments. People who activate our thymus chakra are those who force us to feel compassion or empathy, and those who teach us unconditional love. Because the thymus chakra asks us to look within and love aspects of ourselves or others, 2, The High Priestess and 5, Hierophant are called into play to help us to discover the more esoteric elements of our existence.

Throat Chakra
The throat chakra is located in the region of the throat. This chakra is associated with the color blue and represents the human race. The throat chakra is the seat of the etheric body, the hologram of our life, and is responsible for clairau-dience, or our ability to hear beyond the normal hearing range. The diroat chakra governs our ability to communicate with one another, self-expression, the spoken word, creative expression, truth, knowledge, wisdom, honesty, and reliability. When we are not in touch with the issues that relate to our throat chakra we may begin to have speech difficulties, use our knowledge unwisely, tell untruths, use the spoken or written word to manipulate or control, or lack ability to accurately discern life situations.
Physically, the throat chakra governs the thyroid glands, throat, and mouth. If we continue to relate to these concerns in a negative manner over an extended period of time, we may eventually become depressed, have thyroid problems, and develop sore throats, cold sores, and earaches. People who activate our throat chakra are religious leaders, teachers, and those who help us use our intellectual abilities.
Because the throat chakra deals with our ability to communicate, 1, The Magician is an apt archetype. At times we must communicate with ourselves so that we can become aware of truths that were apparent all along if we would only observe. Mediation on 9, The Hermit helps us to accomplish this.

Brow Chakra
The brow chakra, or third eye, is located at the centre of the forehead, between the eyebrows. This chakra is associated with the colour indigo and is represented by all spirits living or dead. The third eye is the seat of the celestial body, which holds our future and governs clairvoyance or our ability to see beyond space and time. When the brow chakra is open we can see auras or spirit guides, and we can look into the past or future. With the third eye, we gain intuition, imagination, mental abilities, insight, concentration, enlightenment, and heightened perception. When negatively relating to brow chakra issues, we may find ourselves not being able to see life situations clearly or spending our time thinking and analysing too much.
Physically, the third eye governs the lower brain or cerebellum, central nervous system, vision, eyes, nose, and pituitary gland. When the brow chakra is blocked or maligned we may develop tension headaches, eye problems, or sinus difficulties. Persons who activate our brow chakra are spiritual teachers or friends. Because the brow chakra enables us to see things as they really are we can be inspired with a ray of hope for the future. For this reason 17, The Star is an appropriate archetype. As we develop greater awareness of our surroundings we may decide to utilize the vibrations of 2, The World to finish a scenario that is no longer useful to our growth, and then call upon 0, The Fool to begin afresh. There will, however, be occasions when we are not able to pierce through the veils of our own primary certitudes. It is at these times that we should focus our level of awareness on 18, The Moon so that we can gain greater clarity on what it is we are failing to accurately observe.

Crown Chakra
The crown chakra is located at the top of the head. This chakra is the seat of our etheric body or spiritual realm, and connects us to God, our higher self, or the cosmic consciousness. This chakra is associated with the colours white or violet, and is represented by kachinas or deified ancestral spirits. The crown chakra unifies our higher selves with human personalities, connects us to infinity, and gives us spiritual will, inspiration, unity, divine wisdom and understanding, idealism, and selfless service. When we are not properly relating to crown chakra issues we may find that we lack inspiration, are confused, or hesitate to serve humanity in the manner we have previously agreed to.
Physically, the crown chakra governs our upper brain or cerebrum, pineal gland, cerebral cortex, and central nervous system. If our crown chakra is continuously blocked or not functioning properly we may become depressed and confused. Over an extended period of time this dis-ease in the chakra could result in brain disease or tumors. Persons who tend to activate our crown chakra are spiritual leaders, gurus, saints, and master avatars. Because 10, Wheel of Fortune can be the most fortunate symbol, it is reflective of the higher level of awareness achievable when attuned to this point.

Chakras in the Hands and Feet
Minor energy points are found on the hands and feet. Many healers use these energy channels to heal others mentally, emotionally, and physically by using Reiki, reflexology, aromatherapy, massage, and other alternative therapies. It has been said that meridian points in the hands connect to the heart, so any practitioner should therefore give healing with love and compassion. Because the chakras of our hands and feet deal with our ability to heal others and ourselves. Judgement is the archetypal symbol reflective of these points.
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