
 Cybee's Online Tarot



To inspire! This is a subject dear to my heart and I would like to share some thoughts, views and ideas.Please feel free to join in and discuss how you have been inspired or maybe you've inspired someone else.

It was Thomas Alva Edison who said - "Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration."

So if it only takes 1% to be a Genius then why aren't we all as clever as Einstein? Well I suppose the simplest answer is that we obviously never had the inspiration that Einstein had, or is it just that we don't give the 99% of perspiration (hard work, in other words) that is required?

To me, inspiration is many things all rolled into one. The reason why I believe this, is because so many different things have inspired me throughout my life, from people and places to the rising and going down of the sun every day.

If you want to really get inspired by something then take a look at a film I watched recently, called "TRIUMPH" it stars Matthew Perry as a teacher. It's also a true story.
I think the best way to discuss this Topic would be to use anecdotes maybe, or small stories of the experiences any of us have had in our life. From there we should be able to tell how and why we have these inspirational experiences.

Have you ever been Inspired by someone or something?
Have you ever Inspired others?
Who do you think is the most Inspirational movie star or pop star?

I could go on for ever with this list such as Sports personalities etc.
Go out today and inspire someone. It's the greatest feeling you will have.
And that is a fact.....
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